Brenda Ammon
1 min readJan 5, 2018


Tim, excellent summary of Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss.

“Success still comes with a side of weakness.” — This is good to know!

Also when you say, “That’s why you need to focus on your strengths and accept that you’ll always have some weaknesses no matter what. Focus on what you want and what you know you can get results in.”

BUT all of life, especially relationships isn’t all about RESULTS.

Also like this-

“Knowing nothing about an industry is your advantage in business.

That means you don’t follow the rules or fall into the trap of trying to do things the old way. New ideas and strategies come from being a little naiveand bringing the best of other industries to a field you know nothing about”.

And thanks for sharing this

“When you think there’s no progress, it’s in fact, invisible progress that you can’t see”



Brenda Ammon Inspiring Impact Entrepreneurs. Get out of Your Own Way Self-transformation for quantum leap in success