Brenda Ammon
1 min readJan 24, 2020


Brian Lamacraft I like your passion. I am a coach into solutions. Our school systems sort, measure and define a person’s worth. Society does this in other ways too. Yet, schools need to be where children learn their inherent worth.

If you show children a path that you can see your own genius within. The imposter syndrome, or a million old part of our brain author Seth Godin calls the lizard brain, steals your creative joy. With practice you can learn to overrule the voice in your head-lizard brain -that keeps you small and staying afraid.

Telling a different story for our life can happen at anytime. It is about the story you choose to embrace. It starts with a small step of being open to possibility.



Brenda Ammon Inspiring Impact Entrepreneurs. Get out of Your Own Way Self-transformation for quantum leap in success